All competitors are expected to adhere to the USRowing Rules as amended by the San Diego Crew Classic, Inc.
- USROWING RULES OF RACING, as modified by Crew Classic documents, will be enforced.
- Please note that electronic media-based testimony from other than Regatta approved devices will not be accepted in any Jury hearing.
- All boats must pass inspection and have Crew Classic zip tie visible.
- Boats may not leave the launch area without a coxswain, with the exception of Youth A/B 4X, U17 4X, and Masters 4X.
- Coxswains may compete in multiple events, however races will not be delayed or rescheduled to accommodate coxswains.
The San Diego Crew Classic reserves the right to modify events as necessary.
Collegiate Women
- Jessop-Whittier Cup – Invitational
- ACRA Championship 8+ – Invitational
- Varsity Cal Cup 8+
- 2V8+ (must enter and race Varsity event)
- Varsity 4+ (must enter and race Varsity and 2V events)
- Varsity B 4+
- Novice 8+
- DII/DIII/Club 8+
- DII/DIII/Club Novice 8+
- DII/DIII/Club 4+ (must enter and race the Varsity DII/III/Club 8+ event)
Collegiate Men
- Copley Cup – Invitational
- ACRA Championship 8+ – Invitational
- Varsity Cal Cup 8+
- 2V8+ (must enter and race a Varsity event)
- 3V8+ (must enter and race a Varsity and 2V event)
- Novice 8+
- Novice B 8+ (final only)
- A collegiate rower may only compete in one collegiate event but may double up in an Open event.
- DII/DIII/Club events are for DII/DIII/Club programs only.
- DII/DIII/Club boats may race in either DI or DII/DIII/Club, but not both.
- Collegiate athletes must meet NCAA eligibility requirements.
- If you are participating in the Copley Cup you may not submit an entry in the Cal Cup.
- If you are participating in the Jessop-Whittier Cup you may not submit an entry in the Women’s Cal Cup.
- Second entries are accepted, space permitting. A second entry will be waitlisted until the close of Standard Registration. Once Standard Registration has ended, entries will be taken from the waitlist to fill the available spaces.
- Collegiate Novice events are open to rowers and coxswains as defined by their university or college’s NGB for rowing.
Youth Women
- Youth 8+
- Youth B 8+
- U17 8+
- U16 8+
- Youth 4X
- Youth B 4X
- U17 4X
- U16 4X+
Youth Men
- Youth 8+
- Youth B 8+
- U17 8+
- U16 8+
- Youth 4X
- Youth B 4X
- U17 4X
- U16 4X+
- A high school/youth rower may only compete in one event.
- A high school/youth is 19 years of age or younger on December 31 on year of the regatta or enrolled as a full-time high school student on the day of the Regatta.
- Youth events age categories are as defined by USRowing.
Masters Women
- A (27-35)
- B (36-42)
- C (43-49)
- D (50-54)
- E (55-59)
- F (60-64)
- G (65-69)
- H (70-74)
- Club Championship 8+*
- Club 4X*
Mixed Masters
- Mixed Masters Club 8+*
- Mixed Masters Novice Club 8+*
- Mixed Masters Intermediate Club 8+*
- Open Gender 8+
Masters Men
- A (27-35)
- B (36-42)
- C (43-49)
- D (50-54)
- E (55-59)
- F (60-64)
- G (65-69)
- H (70-74)
- Club Championship 8+*
- Club 4X*
- Open Men’s 8+
- Open Women’s 8+
- Men’s Alumni 8+
- Women’s Alumni 8+
- Competitors in Masters events must be 21 or older as of December 31 of prior race year.
- Age is average USRowing age of all athletes (except coxswain) rounded down.
- Masters events will be final only excepting Club events.
- “Club” shall mean any entity recognized by USRowing as an organizational member that operates or sponsors a rowing program.
- Club events (*) are the only events to which handicaps will be applied.
- Only Competitors who are bona fide members of a Club shall be entered by that Club, with the exception that a composite Crew may be entered by any of the Clubs to which one of the Competitors in the Crew belongs.
- A Competitor shall represent only one Club at a Regatta. If you are competing for entries with multiple organizations, you must represent only one organization in all entries. Entries with other crews must be entered as composite crews, and your affiliation must be registered with your original organization.
- Coxswains must represent one organization but having a coxswain from another organization in a crew does not make it a composite entry. However, crews entered in “Club” events must have a coxswain that meets the criteria for a “Club” event.
- Composite Crews: Composite Crews are those that include Competitors from more than one Club and/or Unaffiliated Competitors. Composite Crews must include the affiliation of each member of the crew. Once a Crew has been entered as a composite Crew, it shall remain so, regardless of subsequent substitutions.
- Composite crews may enter Masters letter events and Open events, but may not enter Club events.
- Composite crews will receive an exception from being required to wear matching uniforms.
- Intermediate status: A rower may compete under the Intermediate designation if they began rowing after January of 2020 and have not previously won in a Championship level event in the Intermediate or above designation.
- Per the USRowing policy manual, transgender athletes are allowed to participate in a domestic rowing activity in accordance with the athlete’s expressed gender identity irrespective of the gender listed on the athlete’s birth certificate, and regardless of whether the athlete has undergone any medical treatment.
- For Mixed events a crew should have no more than four male-identified athletes in its lineup, excluding coxswain.
- There are no age/experience restrictions for Open and Alumni events with the exception of Youth athletes
- No handicaps will be used in Open or Alumni events
- In Alumni events, each athlete including the coxswain must be an alumna/-us of the represented program.
- PR3 2X
- PR2 2X
- Mixed Inclusion 2X
- Mixed 8+
If you have additional para event requests, email to inquire about getting them added to the program.
- Some events may have eight lanes and multiple heats.
- Progression will be as follows:
- 2 heats: places 1-4 advance to Grand Final. All others to Petite Final.
- 3 heats: places 1-2 advance to Grand Final. All others to Petite Final.
- 4 heats: places 1-2 advance to Grand Final (8 lanes). Places 3-4 advance to Petite Final. All others to Third level final.
Please click on 2024 Progressions for detailed information for all progressions.
- First Place will be awarded in each race.
- In Masters events with 12 or more total entries, the first place entry representing a Brick and Mortar Club group will also be issued a medal; there will only be a trophy presentation for the overall winner of the event.
Brick and Mortar Clubs are defined as clubs operating out of the same boathouse with all competing athletes living within 50 miles of the club.
To qualify, addresses of competing Brick and Mortar members must be submitted to SDCC and should be done so by the Monday before the race begins: March 24, 2025.
The San Diego Crew Classic is a USRowing registered regatta.
Domestic Organizations:
All U.S. based organizations must hold active organizational membership with USRowing.
- Organizational membership can be renewed at:
- Contact USRowing Member Services at (609) 751-0706 or for assistance.
For more information about organizational membership with USRowing, visit the Become an Organizational Member page under the Members heading on our website at
International Organizations:
Domestic Competitors:
Individual competitors representing U.S. based organizational members of USRowing and Unaffiliated U.S. based competitors must hold at least a Basic Membership and have a current waiver on file to compete in this regatta.
- Individual competitors can join USRowing at or by calling the USRowing Member Services Department at (609) 751-0700.
- Competitors who need to renew an expired membership can log in to their member profile at
For more information about individual membership with USRowing, visit the Become an Individual Member page under the Members heading on the USRowing website
Memberships should be handled prior to arriving at the regatta. A current listing of your athletes, their member numbers, and expiration dates can be found on your online team roster through the membership portal at
International Competitors:
International competitors can join USRowing as Basic – International members at no cost but it is not required. International competitors that have not joined as Basic – International members will be asked to sign a hard copy of the USRowing Waiver in order to participate. International competitors representing a U.S. based organization must comply with the Domestic Individual Competitor requirements above.
Lineups must be submitted online through RegattaCentral for the regatta. Entries may be saved initially without a lineup, but please be prepared to submit a final lineup by the lineup deadline on Thursday, March 27.
Boat Lineup Form to submit lineup and certification of eligibility.
Lineups must be submitted on RegattaCentral by Monday, March 24, 2025.
Waiver information will become available closer to the regatta.
All Masters and Youth athletes must complete birth date and age information.
All shells must be located and stored as indicated on the official Regatta Beach Map and Crew Locator documents. Our beaches are filled to capacity. Everyone’s cooperation is needed for smooth operations and coordination of boat storage areas. The map is meant to be a guide only. Place your boats within the designated area marked on the grass.
All shells are stored in and launched from the Regatta site during the Regatta and are not stored on trailers. Shells should be in place no later than noon on Friday to aid inspections (see below), which will occur all day.
The map shows the general area where your shells are to be placed.
When you arrive, you will find each area is on grass, clearly marked with the letter you see on the map, and outlined in chalk.
You may put your shells ONLY within your assigned chalked area, PARALLEL to the lines separating one area from another. Please note that some are on the diagonal compared to adjacent paved areas.
North Areas, near the dirt lot trailer parking, are on an extreme diagonal separated with an access aisle down the middle.
Bay side areas, on the bay side of the walkway and south of the sheltered picnic area, are tandem with shells one behind the other.
Please respect others by not obstructing the access aisles or rigging/de-rigging in an interfering area.
- Beachmasters/Race Officials will inspect for condition and USRowing release/coxswain requirements before the Regatta. This includes placing a colored dot on the stern deck. Do not remove this mark before the shell’s last race.
- It is the responsibility of all participating organizations to ensure that all equipment used in the regatta is in full compliance with USRowing Rules and prevailing safety standards.
- Ensure that older equipment used during the Regatta is in good repair before its arrival in San Diego.
- Any shell in such disrepair and likely to sustain breakage under stress will not be allowed to race.
- Slings, racks and bow balls are not provided.
- No shells will be allowed to race without bow ball and bow number.
Please make trailer drivers and crews aware of parking plans and locked gates. Space is limited. Help Regatta efficiency and access to your trailer by parking within lined spaces or as indicated by Regatta personnel.
- Do not plan to deliver your trailer to the Park before Wednesday, except during daylight hours. There are gates that are locked overnight. Limited security begins at 5:00 pm Wednesday.
- No cars or vans in the Trailer Lot throughout the week. After parking trailers, vehicles are required to disconnect and, during the week, use only paved parking lots.
- On Saturday and Sunday the trailer area gates will not be staffed for repeat entry/exit by towing vehicles. If these vehicles are to be used for transportation around town, they will need a vehicle pass and must be parked in the Crew Parking Lot.
Coaches launches are permitted on the course during practice, subject to the rules and traffic patterns. The Crew Classic does not offer launches for hire.
- Launches may not be launched from the shell launching areas but may be launched in the north cove, along the fence.
- As a courtesy to all competitors, it is requested that coaching launches refrain from motoring within the race course during practice sessions on Thursday and Friday.
- To keep the beach clear for shell traffic, return launches to trailers by Friday evening and keep them there for the weekend.
- Loose or unattended launches will be impounded at 4:30 am Saturday.
Wednesday 3/26: No Practice
Thursday 3/27: 12:00pm – 6:00pm
Friday 3/28: 8:00am – 2:00pm
Saturday 3/29: 30 mins after last race – 6:00pm
Sunday 3/30: No Practice
Course Installation: Barring unforeseen circumstances, the racecourse will be in place and available for practice by Thursday, March 27. Prior to the Crew Classic stay clear of motorboats installing the course and refer to the published traffic pattern.
Traffic Patterns: Each crew is responsible for obeying all publicly posted or provided traffic patterns for this event. Breaking traffic pattern or practice hours may result in disqualification from the regatta.
Bay Closure: It must be clearly understood that only the Fiesta Bay/East Bay portion of Mission Bay is under the control of the San Diego Crew Classic, and this control only runs from 6 am to 6 pm on both Saturday and Sunday. Crews are responsible for their own actions or omissions and must be alert to general boat and recreational traffic at all times.

- We strongly suggest that crews remain in East Mission Bay for practice sessions. Should you choose to leave East Bay, the following apply:
- Traffic through the southernmost Long Bridge (A) moves West to East Only
- Traffic through the northernmost Short Bridge (B) moves East to West Only
- We do not advise that crews travel through Ventura Bridge (westernmost bridge in West Bay) as conditions near the jetty can be unsuitable for rowing shells.
- Practice traffic pattern begins Monday of race week at 4 a.m. and ends after the last Crew Classic event on Sunday.
- Mind the Do Not Enter areas and use caution in high traffic areas (Start/Finish Lines, Launch/Land Area, and when crossing the course toward the Short Bridge)
- You can view a full traffic pattern map of both East and West Mission Bay here.

- Launch at least 45 minutes before race time.
- Keep both islands on your starboard side.
- Avoid Wildlife Refuge and Shallow Areas by keeping white markers on your port side.
- As you pass the stern of the check-in boat at the opening to Sea World Channel, clearly identify your crew, event number and lane number, and receive acknowledgement.
- Continue and turn east into the warm-up area. Keep white channel markers on your starboard side (clockwise in the channel)
- Do not row past the line of buoys with red flags.
- You may move into the staging area when the race preceding yours has loaded into the stake boats. The staging area is marked by four round red buoys.
Day-Of Event Details
Thursday |
12:00 PM – 6:00 PM |
Friday |
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM |
Saturday |
6:00 AM – 6:00 PM |
Sunday |
6:00 AM – 2:00 PM |
Street Address of Event:
3699 Crown Point Drive
San Diego, CA 92109
Parking and Event Shuttle
Each crew will receive a limited number of parking passes for the YELLOW LOT (one per boat). This lot is for competitors only and a pass is required to enter. We distribute many more passes than there are parking spaces, so PLEASE USE PARKING PASSES AND CAR POOLS AS EFFICIENTLY AS POSSIBLE.
There are two other parking lots at Crown Point that are free to park, and are first come, first serve. Park only in designated areas. Cars parked in no parking areas, including red curbs and fire lanes, may be ticketed or towed.
In addition to the limited parking at Crown Point, there will be free parking with free shuttle service at Ski Beach on Vacation Island. Shuttle service runs between 6:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Saturday and 6:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on Sunday. It is reached by going south on Ingraham Street and turning east at the next light. Please note that city signage will indicate which lots on Vacation Island are available to passenger cars. Some lots are designated for vehicles with trailers only–parking outside the posted guidelines may result in a citation.
Taking Photos
While in the fenced area, all video, audio and photos may be recorded for personal use only. All other uses are reserved. No personal drone use will be permitted on the grounds during the event.
Food Trucks will be on site Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Venue Rules
Please be aware that most of these are enforced by the City of San Diego Park Rangers and Police Department who are onsite for the duration of the event. Mission Bay Park is a City of San Diego park.
- Everyone pays to enter the event unless they have a pass, wristband, official Crew Classic badge, or are on a VIP list
- There is no paid parking. A free shuttle is available from Ski Beach at Vacation Isle.
- Parking in the YELLOW (north lot) is reserved for trailers and crew transportation and requires a vehicle pass to enter.
- Parking in the RED lot is first come first serve except for a few spaces required for the Event Venue.
- Parking in the GREEN lot is first come, first serve.
- NO DRONES Personal drones and/or any other drones not associated with the San Diego Crew Classic’s race coverage are not allowed. Teams or supporters found to be flying drones in and around the Crew Classic venue may risk team disqualification or removal from the venue.
- The Crew Classic is a foot traffic only venue. NO BIKES, E-BIKES, SCOOTERS, HOVERBOARDS, SKATES or SKATEBOARDS are allowed inside the venue. Bikes and scooters may be locked to the exterior of the venue fence.
- NO DOGS or other pets (except service dogs) in city parks, including parking lots
- NO ALCOHOL, except in officially designated areas– This is a City ordinance which will be enforced by Park Rangers and Police Officers who are required to be on site during the event. No alcohol may be brought into the event venue or consumed in the parking lots
- NO SMOKING in any City of San Diego park, including parking lots
- Zero tolerance for pranks, including removing decorations and other goods
- NO POP-UP OR OTHER KINDS OF TENTS INSIDE THE VENUE except those specifically authorized by the Crew Classic
- Nothing can be tied to anything in the park. Nothing can be put in the ground. No banners on trees or buildings. No stakes in the ground.
- NO vehicles are allowed anywhere inside the venue at any time.
Mandatory Coaches and Athletes meeting will be virtual in 2025.
Sunday, March 23, 2025 at 4:00PDT.
- THERE IS ONLY ONE MEETING. Attendance of coaches and coxswains is MANDATORY. Teams without Coach and Coxswain present will be at risk of disqualification.
- A video conference link will be emailed prior to the meeting, on or around March 19, 2025.
- Meeting will be recorded and posted with a link posted after meeting completion. All coaches and coxswains must certify that they have viewed the meeting.
If you are unable to attend, the presentation and slides will be available online for you to review.
Coaches Information
Information and links will be updated as the regatta approaches.
Coxswains Check List
Traffic Pattern in the area of the Crew Classic Course for all of Mission Bay during Crew Classic Week.
Directions for trailer drivers.
Coaches Packet 2025 will be available after March 19, 2025
ONLY THE COACH OR TEAM REPRESENTATIVE OF RECORD may pick up the packet for his/her crew at the Information Center. It contains: wristbands that serve as entry passes, parking passes, maps of Mission Bay, a final schedule, WHERE YOU CAN PUT YOUR SHELLS ON THE BEACH, etc.
Packets will be available to those who have met the following conditions:
- Returning trophy winners must return trophies no later than noon Friday. A team will not be allowed to check in or race if their trophy has not been returned.
- Payment of all required entry fees, including penalty fees for late entries.
- Verification of eligibility for collegiate and club athletes.
- Confirmation of age and date of birth for junior and masters athletes.
Packets MUST be picked up by participants in order to be eligible for competition at the Crew Classic.
Every effort will be made by Crew Classic Registration to contact team leaders whose packets are unclaimed by Friday, March 28 at 2:00pm. Teams who fail to claim their Registration packets will not be allowed to compete.
From I-5 Southbound
Take the Balboa and Garnet Exit. Go right (west) on Garnet Street to a Y junction and stay left onto Balboa. Where Balboa merges with Grand Avenue, turn left onto Lamont Street. Go straight (south) on Lamont Street to the “Yield” sign at Crown Point Drive. Go straight ahead; trailer parking is down the hill in a dirt lot on your left or, if directed, on the closed portion of Corona Oriente. Please park carefully.
From I-5 Northbound
Exit I-5 at Grand and Garnet. Turn left (west) at the first left (Grand), then left on Lamont Street and straight ahead to the “Yield” sign at Crown Point Drive. Crew cars, vans and shell trailers go straight ahead; trailer parking is down the hill as described above. Crew buses must use southernmost entrance to the park, at Crown Point Drive and Corona Oriente.
From I-8 Westbound
This apparent detour makes your drive much easier, if you chose to ignore it do not enter Crown Point Shores Park from Crown Point Shores Drive until you reach Lamont Street as this is one of the turns that is difficult for trailers.
Take I-5 North, and follow the directions immediately above, “From Interstate 5 Northbound”. This route avoids at least one difficult turn for long trailers.
Hotel Partners
The San Diego Crew Classic relies on funding generated by the City of San Diego Tourism and Marketing District. Hotel stays generated by our participants support the local tourism economy in San Diego and help to ensure that this critical funding remains a part of our annual budget. Please consider booking with one of our partner hotels when planning your team trip to San Diego. Your stay will help to ensure the future of the Crew Classic.